How Should Parental Responsibility Be Generally Understood?

والدین کے حقوق

Basically, all parents have legal responsibility towards their children but not all understand how it is carried out. How it is implied in real practice is another matter and not all parents understand that. Regardless of whether the children are under the supervision or care of another person, each parent has a legal responsibility towards each child. Parental responsibility actually goes hand in hand with waldain ke huqooq because they are “two sides of the coin.”

Legal responsibilities determine several things, for example, the care of children, where they live, where they go to school, and so on. In many cases, a lack of understanding of legal responsibilities can lead to unnecessary conflict and sometimes lead to more serious consequences. In many cases, understanding waldain ke huqooq in Quran can help.

What are Parents’ Responsibilities Towards Their Children?

What are parents' responsibilities towards their children in islam

In principle, there is no difference between mothers and fathers because they all have legal responsibilities. Each of them is a parent of one or more children and legal responsibility rests with them until their children reach a certain age limit. This is a basic principle to know when it comes to discussing a person’s legal responsibilities to their children. This principle can be considered universal because it applies to most countries in the world. For example, in Pakistan they tend to follow the principles taken from waldain ke huqooq in Hadees.

Assume you are a parent to your children. Your primary obligation is to ensure they have food, clothing, and shelter. This is followed by decisions described in the following points, all of which are described in waldain ke huqooq in PDF:

– Where does your child live?

– What kind of medical care can your children receive?

– How are they educated?

– Your child’s name.

– Whether they are religious or not. If yes, what religion do they follow? In Pakistan, this issue is discussed at length in waldain ke huqooq in Urdu.

– Can they leave your country or go on holiday to a faraway place?

– And things like that.

In everyday life, some of the points above may not be very important, but when a husband and wife separate, these points can become a problem. That is why understanding the responsibilities of parents towards children is important for every father and mother.


Routine Decisions 

Routine decisions cannot be avoided by every parent. It’s not always every day, every week, or every month, there are always routine decisions that every parent must make regarding their children. These routine decisions usually cover a range of matters from the trivial to those that are “considered very important.” For example, starting from when they have to sleep every night, what kind of homework they have to do every day, discipline, and so on. While these decisions may once again seem trivial, they are important in shaping children’s character. The character built from childhood determines what they will be like when they grow up.

What If There Is A Divorce?

The problem is a little more complicated when a divorce occurs. For example, if a mother is divorced and remarried to another man, the ex-husband may lose some of his authority in making decisions regarding their children.

But of course, the fundamental decisions remain in the hands of him and his ex-wife. In relation to the reduction of authority in making certain decisions, it can be ignored when there is an action that is deemed to endanger the safety of children.


Parental rights are always followed by parental responsibility. They cannot be separated from each other and understanding each of them is a basic step to protect your children from several risks that may occur throughout their upbringing. If you need more info, we would suggest you to read these waldain ke huqooq essay in English.

Waldain Ke Huqooq In Hadees -e- Pak.

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